Face and Upper Body Liposuction


Ideally, the lower face and neck region should have a lean, angular, well defined appearance, and a clearly marked transitional delineation from the lower face to the neck. Unfortunately, as a result of weight gain or the natural aging process, fat may accumulate in this area, distorting the lower facial contours and creating an undesirably round, wide facial appearance. These stubborn fat pockets in the lower face and neck region can also contribute to the development of a double chin, neck bands, “jowls,” and weak jaw definition. Attempting to eliminate lower face and neck fat through diet and exercise alone is often a very frustrating endeavor, which is why liposuction surgery of the lower face and neck is an effective and rewarding option for many patients.

Liposuction of the lower face and/or neck region is a surgical procedure performed to remove surplus fat from the lower face and neck area, thereby restoring a more youthfully defined facial profile and aesthetically desirable lower face and neck contours. As with any facial surgery, in order to safely achieve a successful outcome your lower face and neck liposuction should be performed by an experienced and skillful surgeon, such as Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir, world-renowned oculofacial plastic surgeon whose performs some of the finest face and neck liposuction Los Angeles has to offer.


Upper body liposuction procedure targets unwanted fat in areas such as the back, arms, chin, and neck. Following the procedure, patients experience an improvement in their body contours and boost in self-confidence.

People often choose to receive upper body liposuction after they undergo massive weight loss through natural methods or bariatric surgery. Candidates for this procedure want to remove excess fat. Patients who elect to undergo this procedure may want to target excess skin and unwanted fat. Upper body liposuction can address issues concerning the arms, chest, waist and back. In order to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for this type of procedure, there are some crucial factors to consider.

First, a patient must be in overall good physical health to receive this procedure. A patient will do better if they do not smoke, as smoking slows down the healing process and increases risks of complications after surgery. If a patient does smoke, they will need to quit a minimum of six weeks before the surgery. In addition, a patient’s weight will need to have been stable for at least six months, with no significant weight changes foreseen.

  • Between/Under the Shoulder Blades
  • Between/Under the Shoulder Blades
  • Bra Region
  • Posterior Waist (lower, middle region of the back)
  • TChin/Neck liposuction